Katie Paterson: 100 Billion Suns
Haunch of Venison, London, UK, 9 March – 28 April 2012
The exhibition will include the first UK presentation of Paterson’s 100 Billion Suns project, carried out at last year’s Venice Biennale in collaboration with AnOther and Haunch of Venison. The project involved the setting off of around a hundred explosions of confetti – designed to mirror Gamma Ray Bursts, the brightest explosions in the universe – in unplanned venues around the city and a number of beautiful photographs of the event showcased on the AnOther Website. These and further images will feature in the exhibition and a colourful confetti cannon will be fired daily at 1pm. Other of Paterson’s awe-inspiring works set for display include The Dying Star Letters, “a series of letters sent by the artist to communicate the death of a star,” and Ancient Darkness TV, a television broadcasting darkness from the edge of the universe.